
WPRO FTP problem

madnigaz opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there
it is a wonderful template to run Wordpress on Heroku
but my problems start with Readonly File System

It is to state that i hv been using Heroku for my wordpress installation
the readonly filesystem has posed a real hurdle in keeping on using this cloud.
I wanted to ask if i can use any file storage system like S3 for my wordpress blog?
WPRO plugin works nice for those who have a working AWS account
And as I dont have an account with S3 I am left to use any other service.
i wanted to ask if there is a workaround for us to use Dropbox instead or Google Drive for that matter?

I even tried to set it to use FTP credentials.
but it is not even saving my configuration and
it is saying to me, in an error window,:
"You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
I am stuck at this very position.

My first preference would be Dropbox
Second GoogleDrive
lastly FTP
I cant use S3.

Please help.
Will be thankful to you for that.
Looking forward and hope to hear from you soon.

okko commented

Please consider getting an AWS account and using S3.

Atleast guide if there is an FTP solution to this.
And why are the FTP credentials not getting saved in the WPRO plugin?
Any alternative plugin to WPRO?

okko commented

I'm not aware of anyone using it with FTP.

WPRO is at

Ok thanks for the guidance. Let me ask the creator of that plugin.