
The latest updates (as of 54b04a7) fail npm install on Vercel

AdiRishi opened this issue · 1 comments

I updated the my fork to the latest version 54b04a7 and I'm seeing these build issues on Vercel on deployment

[10:43:25.925] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[10:43:26.162] Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: 54b04a7)
[10:43:27.226] Cloning completed: 1.063s
[10:43:44.112] Restored build cache
[10:43:44.269] Running "vercel build"
[10:43:45.536] Vercel CLI 33.6.1
[10:43:47.126] Installing dependencies...
[10:43:50.343] npm WARN tarball tarball data for @anthropic-ai/sdk@ (sha512-vHgvfWEyFy5ktqam56Nrhv8MVa7EJthsRYNi+1OrFFfyrj9tR2/aji1QbVbQjYU/pPhPFaYrdCEC/MLPFrmKwA==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again.
[10:43:50.347] npm ERR! code EINTEGRITY
[10:43:50.349] npm ERR! sha512-vHgvfWEyFy5ktqam56Nrhv8MVa7EJthsRYNi+1OrFFfyrj9tR2/aji1QbVbQjYU/pPhPFaYrdCEC/MLPFrmKwA== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-vHgvfWEyFy5ktqam56Nrhv8MVa7EJthsRYNi+1OrFFfyrj9tR2/aji1QbVbQjYU/pPhPFaYrdCEC/MLPFrmKwA== but got sha512-3XsWEn/4nPGRd4AdSguugbSDFy6Z2AWTNOeI3iK+aV22+w23+vY9CEb3Hiy0kvKIQuxSmZz/+5WKC8nPWy8gVg==. (143131 bytes)
[10:43:50.351] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /vercel/.npm/_logs/2024-03-25T23_43_47_927Z-debug-0.log
[10:43:50.363] Error: Command "npm install" exited with 1

It looks like 54b04a7 updates the version in package-lock.json for the anthropic sdk but doesn't update the integrity hash.

I believe the correct hash is this

-      "integrity": "sha512-vHgvfWEyFy5ktqam56Nrhv8MVa7EJthsRYNi+1OrFFfyrj9tR2/aji1QbVbQjYU/pPhPFaYrdCEC/MLPFrmKwA==",
+      "integrity": "sha512-3XsWEn/4nPGRd4AdSguugbSDFy6Z2AWTNOeI3iK+aV22+w23+vY9CEb3Hiy0kvKIQuxSmZz/+5WKC8nPWy8gVg==",