
Chrome 90 Compatibility

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If I update to a newer Google Chrome, the accent marks in Spanish don't work, áéíóú.

8069-81329d71285427a6.js:1 TypeError: Object.hasOwn is not a function
    at ng (4826-8c25f551dbc803c7.js:8)
    at rk (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at iB (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1
    at o3 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at oQ (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at n2 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at n4 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1

Additionally I had this other problem, but the first one worries me more.

Error: Minified React error #422; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1
    at lq (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at iB (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1
    at o3 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at n2 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at n4 (fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1)
    at fd9d1056-31eef69ac49b0cb9.js:1