
Not working

Opened this issue · 13 comments

we tried to implement this code... it is not working

It works fine for me.

  1. Clone the repo
  2. npm install inside the repo folder
  3. npm run dev
  4. In your browser: http://localhost:3000

yeah it does not work it gives error at the end

@IdrisGame What is the error?

@IdrisGame What is the error?

Try it, once I put the api, then do the search it gives Answer Error. Doesnt output the answer but gives Answer error

These are the possible errors:

What is the exact error in your browser console logs?

These are the possible errors:

What is the exact error in your browser console logs?

Have you tried on your end do you get any error. Also I dont know if is because I put gpt 3 instead of gpt3.5

Coincidentally, I did get errors this time. Interestingly it seems to be that specific questions cause errors. I asked it, "What is cool?".

The error it threw in the browser:

1 of 1 unhandled error

Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Internal Server Error

components/Search.tsx (42:12) @ fetchSources

  40 | if (!response.ok) {
  41 |   setLoading(false);
> 42 |   throw new Error(response.statusText);
     |        ^
  43 | }
  44 | 
  45 | const { sources }: { sources: Source[] } = await response.json();
Call Stack
async handleSearch
components/Search.tsx (27:20)

The error it threw on the server:

[DOMException [InvalidCharacterError]: "[class]" did not match the Name production]

Are you able to fix it?

I have the same error "Unhandled Runtime Error"

Coincidentally, I did get errors this time. Interestingly it seems to be that specific questions cause errors. I asked it, "What is cool?".

The error it threw in the browser:

1 of 1 unhandled error

Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Internal Server Error

components/Search.tsx (42:12) @ fetchSources

  40 | if (!response.ok) {
  41 |   setLoading(false);
> 42 |   throw new Error(response.statusText);
     |        ^
  43 | }
  44 | 
  45 | const { sources }: { sources: Source[] } = await response.json();
Call Stack
async handleSearch
components/Search.tsx (27:20)

The error it threw on the server:

[DOMException [InvalidCharacterError]: "[class]" did not match the Name production]

ran it and getting the same Error message.

hey guys the error message indicates that an invalid URL was passed to the URL constructor in your Next.js API route at pages/api/sources.ts on line 38.
There are two main modifications:

  1. When extracting links, the cleanedHref is decoded and checked to ensure that the decoded link starts with "http://" or "https://" to ensure it is a valid absolute URL.
  2. When filtering links, the code for creating a URL object is wrapped in a try-catch block. If an error is thrown due to an invalid URL, we catch the error, log it, and return false to exclude the link from the filtered results.
    With these modifications, invalid URLs should be handled properly and prevent the occurrence of TypeError: Invalid URL errors.

What's the solution? I have the same problem here.

+1. Can't get it to work. The project also seems unmaintained?

I'm working on a new one, with local LLM support. The landscape is already so different than when this project started.