mcobit/retrosmc not found

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I got emulation station installed on OSMC. I got ROMs moved over to the proper folders. But, I go to run any i'm getting the error that can't be found in /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand.

Also, I get tons of the IT block deprecation warnings when I lower the GPU to 64 so it'll college the install, if that helps at all.

I just installed RetrOSMC on my Raspberry Pi yesterday. I acknowledge the age of this thread but as the same problem still occured to me I'll post my solution in here (more or less signed up for this).

1.) Find your way to the RetroPie Setup Script menu as seen in the following link: RetroPie-Setup Script
2.) Go to "Manage Packages", then "Manage Core Packages"
3.) At the bottom of the list you find "" which probably does not appear as being installed. So you've got to install it manually (from binary or preferably from source).
4.) Enjoy your ROMs