
Start from Launcher fails

Opened this issue · 12 comments

I'm getting a openvt: exec: No such file or directory when using the launcher to open retropie on my fresh updated vanilla osmc installation

Maybe a problem with the connection to the ebian repository.
Try to start the installation again. Also check if openvt is installed by calling it from commandline via ssh.

openvt is installed

`osmc@osmc:~$ openvt -help
Usage: openvt [OPTIONS] -- command

This utility help you to start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT).

-c, --console=NUM use the given VT number;
-e, --exec execute the command, without forking;
-f, --force force opening a VT without checking;
-l, --login make the command a login shell;
-u, --user figure out the owner of the current VT;
-s, --switch switch to the new VT;
-w, --wait wait for command to complete;
-v, --verbose print a message for each action;
-V, --version print program version and exit;
-h, --help output a brief help message.

I just tried a reinstall - same error

Is there any log that I can grab for you that might lead to something?

Calling ~/RetroPie/scripts$ ./ gives the following result:

chown: cannot access '/usr/bin/emulationstation': No such file or directory

In this case, emulationstation did not get built properly. Please activate a swapfile for the installation process.
Refer to the forum thread or the other posts here on how to do that.

OK - added swapfile as rescribed and rebuilt it all ... seems successful so far. However, when trying to start retropie, screen goes black and after a few seconds it returns to osmc

Can you run the script again from commandline to see if there is any error please.

Also it might be better to have this discussion in the forum.

osmc@osmc:~$ ./RetroPie/scripts/

It returns immediately. But then again, the script starts some stuff in the background and pipes the log towards /dev/null ?

Try to start emulationstatipn from commandline after shutting down kodi manually.

running sudo systemctl stop mediacenter and then emulationstation in the terminal gives no results

I had the same issue,
My problem was that I used ssh root account and then changed session to user by su osmc to run the installation script

But using this way you have different $PATH


ssh root@osmc-tv
su osmc
echo $PATH


ssh osmc@osmc-tv
echo $PATH

The script works only when you have «osmc» user and $PATH from variant «B»
Check the «$PATH» in the «osmc» user before use the script or just connect to ssh with «osmc» user