
Launcher not compatible with Kodi V19 Matrix

Opened this issue · 16 comments

Since Kodi V19 Matrix (on OSCM), the launcher is not compatible.
It seems to be linked to Python upgrade to V3.
Need update or work around please!
Thanks in advance.

Same issue here. As anyone managed to make the addon work?

I too am having this issue on my new installation of OSMC on rPi4. Any updates on this?

same error here, raspberry 3b+ i get an error after installing because of the desktop opengl

You can work around this issue by editing the addon.xml file in ~/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.retrosmc-launcher/ .
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.1.0"/> to <import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>

Afterwards it should be possible to enable the launcher via settings.

Hi @Dr0wn3dL1gh7 --- I tried your suggested change and it did not work unfortunately. Do you have any other suggestions?

Hi, the suggestion from @Dr0wn3dL1gh7 worked for me, meaning now the launcher can be activated and started. However Emulation station does not start...
Kodi is stopped as expected but then nothing happens.
I have read that RetroPie is not compatible with vc4-kms-v3d option... But I am not sure if this is completely related.
I already tried to install again retrosmc with no luck.
Next I will try to install OSMC from scratch and see if it works better.
If anyone has it working since OSMC switched to Kodi v19 let us know how you did it...

Hi @nquesada,
after you edited the file, have you restarted OSMC before trying to enable the plugin?

Hi @Pakoach,
for testing purposes I did a clean install of OSMC v19 with retrosmc on a Raspberry Pi 4.
As already mentioned, if you use the launcher Kodi will exit and emulationstation is "starting".
However emulationstation can not take over the screen. Instead you will just see "Couldn't get V3D IDENT0. No such device".
When you close both emulationstation processes via kill command Kodi will be restarted.

The same happened on a fresh install on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. Except that there was no error "Couldn't get V3D IDENT0. No such device" on the screen.

In both cases the problem is how and in ~/Retropie/scripts/ handle the OSMC shutdown. It is forked into the background via sudo su -c "systemctl stop mediacenter &" &.
If you do sudo su -c " systemctl stop mediacenter" yourself via shell and run ./ after a few seconds it works.
If you are too fast you will sometimes get a segmentation fault (Pi 3B+) or Kodi just restarts (Pi 4)
Starting via shell is the same as starting it with the OSMC retrosmc launcher which in turn invokes via

Maybe someone has an idea how to adjust both scripts?

Hi @Dr0wn3dL1gh7 : I did. I got exactly the same results as @Pakoach

Hello @Dr0wn3dL1gh7 ,
I have tried to do it manually and everything works fine.
I agree that the scripts need fixing, but it seems that the original contributors to this project have stopped being active here for a while.
There is another addon that seems to do exactly the same :
I will give it a try.

Let us know how it goes @Pakoach !

Hey! I have tried the solution proposed by @Pakoach to use the addon in and it seems to be working fine.

hey @sszzizzss , thanks for reporting back! Just to confirm, this worked with Kodi v19, correct?

It worked for me too in the end.
But first I got some weird gog errors so I did a fresh install of OSMC.
After that everything worked with latest OSMC and Kodi v19

Hi @Pakoach, for testing purposes I did a clean install of OSMC v19 with retrosmc on a Raspberry Pi 4. As already mentioned, if you use the launcher Kodi will exit and emulationstation is "starting". However emulationstation can not take over the screen. Instead you will just see "Couldn't get V3D IDENT0. No such device". When you close both emulationstation processes via kill command Kodi will be restarted.

The same happened on a fresh install on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. Except that there was no error "Couldn't get V3D IDENT0. No such device" on the screen.

In both cases the problem is how and in ~/Retropie/scripts/ handle the OSMC shutdown. It is forked into the background via sudo su -c "systemctl stop mediacenter &" &. If you do sudo su -c " systemctl stop mediacenter" yourself via shell and run ./ after a few seconds it works. If you are too fast you will sometimes get a segmentation fault (Pi 3B+) or Kodi just restarts (Pi 4) Starting via shell is the same as starting it with the OSMC retrosmc launcher which in turn invokes via

Maybe someone has an idea how to adjust both scripts?

Some news about that?

Hey! I have tried the solution proposed by @Pakoach to use the addon in and it seems to be working fine.

I have tried this one, it doesn't work because of gpg issue.

@CodeChief117 & @Dr0wn3dL1gh7
I had the same issue (launcher leads to black screen + via console manually commands resulted in started emulationstation). So I took you comments and created a dirty fix:

add these 2 lines in /home/osmc/Retropie/scripts/ ("sudo su[...] 0.5"):
$es_bin "$@"' > "/usr/bin/emulationstation"

# sudo su -c "systemctl stop mediacenter &" &
sudo su -c "systemctl stop mediacenter"
sleep 0.5

# start emulationstation on vitrual terminal 7 and detach it

I guess it's working on my rpi. Unfortunatelly i got no time to explain or to make a good fix.

Worked just once. So I took my time to update the complete script. I guess I was affected by racing conditions. So I rewrote the script from @mcobit

Comments might not be correct + it would be nicer to wait in watchdog for a "mediacenter closed" flag. But I didn't intended to make it correct - but working.