
An example application used to give training course on the JUnit, Mockito, TDD... concepts. Based on Java Spark to serve REST API.

Primary LanguageJava

calculator example project

An example application using AngularJS as frontend and Java Spark as REST API.

Build Status


Appreciate any contribution for this project, including suggestions, documentation improvements, reporting issues, forks and bugfixs, etc.



  • JDK 8

    Oracle Java 8 is required, go to Oracle Java website to download it and install into your system. Optionally, you can set JAVA_HOME environment variable and add <JDK installation dir>/bin in your PATH environment variable.

  • Apache Maven

    Download the latest Apache Maven from http://maven.apache.org, and uncompress it into your local system. Optionally, you can set M2_HOME environment varible, and also do not forget to append <Maven Installation dir>/bin your PATH environment variable.

  • (Optional) Docker

    Download the latest Docker from https://docs.docker.com, and install it. More detail information about installation below.


More detailed documentation about project and specific implementation here: documentation

Run this project

  1. Clone the codes.
   git clone 
  1. (Optional) Enter the root folder, run mvn clean site to use maven site plugin and generate in target folder the project site including surefire and cobertura reports.
   mvn clean site
  1. Enter the root folder, run mvn clean compile to use maven compile plugin to resolve all project dependencies and generate in target folder all classes files.
    mvn clean compile
  1. Enter the root folder, run mvn clean compile to use maven compile plugin to resolve all project dependencies and generate in target folder all classes files.
    mvn clean compile
  1. From root folder command line (or using IDE for developers) run SparkWebMain java class (Optional) Instead of Web Application there is also a Command line interface, run CommandLineMain java class
    java SparkWebMain
  1. Go to http://localhost:4567 to test it.

Run Project using Docker

  1. Download Docker from https://docs.docker.com. Here direct link for windows users https://docs.docker.com/windows/step_one.

    Docker installation provides also git.

    BE CAREFUL: windows 7 users needs to install also a component for .Net Framework, please follow the guide.

  2. Clone the code.

  git clone 
  1. Open Docker quickstart terminal and wait initialization. Then you can use command line as a linux bash shell:
  • go to project main directory cd /d/....../java-calculator initial /d/ stays for D: in the example
  • launch build docker command docker build -t calculator . to download and create a virtual machine as defined in Dockerfile project
  • launch run docker command docker run -d -p 4567:4567 calculator to run docker container just created
  • launch process list docker command to see status of docker container docker ps -a the result seems like:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                    NAMES
b3425a36e28d        calculator          "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-"   43 minutes ago      Up 43 minutes   >4567/tcp   drunk_lichterman
  • launch logs docker command specifying container id to inspect logs docker logs b3425a36e28d the result seems like:
2016-02-04_14:12:24.825 [main] DEBUG spark.route.RouteMatcherFactory - creates RouteMatcher
2016-02-04_14:12:24.843 [main] DEBUG spark.route.SimpleRouteMatcher - Adds route: get, /add, spark.RouteImpl$1@3f3afe78
2016-02-04_14:12:24.844 [main] DEBUG spark.route.SimpleRouteMatcher - Adds route: get, /sub, spark.RouteImpl$1@36d64342
2016-02-04_14:12:24.848 [main] DEBUG spark.route.SimpleRouteMatcher - Adds route: get, /mult, spark.RouteImpl$1@511baa65
2016-02-04_14:12:24.850 [main] DEBUG spark.route.SimpleRouteMatcher - Adds route: get, /div, spark.RouteImpl$1@30c7da1e
2016-02-04_14:12:24.851 [main] DEBUG spark.route.SimpleRouteMatcher - Adds route: get, /string-operation, spark.RouteImpl$1@57829d67
2016-02-04_14:12:24.978 [Thread-0] INFO  spark.webserver.JettySparkServer - == Spark has ignited ...
2016-02-04_14:12:24.979 [Thread-0] INFO  spark.webserver.JettySparkServer - >> Listening on
  • the ip of docker machine where you can reach the application is (docker-machine ip default):
  • Go to [] to test it.