Build Tool

To build the Pintool, you need to first download and unpack Intel's PIN.

Then, configure the build:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-dir> -DPIN_ROOT=<pin-dir> ..

Then build and install the tool.

Build Application

First, you need to specify instrumentation regions in your code:

#include <memreuse.hpp>


See the example in examples/test.cpp.

Extend your compilation flags with -I<install-dir>/include and linking flags with -L<install-dir>/lib -lmemreuse.

Run Application

Run your application with:

<build-dir>/bin/memtracer -o tracer.out <your-app-with-arguments>

The files tracer.out.{region}.{counter} will contain the statistics on memory accesses for entered regions.

To run an MPI application with OpenMPI, use:

mpirun -np 2 <mpiflags> <build-dir>/bin/memtracer_ompi -o tracer.out <your-app-with-arguments>

The output for each MPI process will be in tracer.{rank}.out.{region}.{counter}.


Install Python dependencies:

pip install -r tools/requirements.txt

Then run the the postprocessing analysis by pointing to the directory and naming schemes of produced files:

tools/ <dir>/tracer.out <out-file>

After a while, the results will be written to the output file. For each iteration, we compute the number of new memory regions that have been written or read:
