
Plowmod is not working?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

5kon commented


I've installed plowshare on my VPS (OS: debian-8.0-x86_64). When I install external modules using plowmod --install, it shows -bash: plowmod: command not found.

I'm new to Bash and have no idea why there is no plowmod command. Does anyone know the reason? Any help is really appreciated.

Which version of plowshare did you installed ?
Could you list your installation directory (for example when prefix=/usr):
$ ls /usr/share/plowshare/

Since your VPS is running Debian jessie, if you installed plowshare from the software repository as the package plowshare4 then you are stuck with using an old version (1.0.5) pre-dating plowmod. To get the latest versions you should enable jessie backports and then perform an update which will replace the plowshare4 package with plowshare at version 2.1.5 (soon to be 2.1.6 once I get that uploaded in the backports repository). These newer versions will have plowmod included,

5kon commented

I've checked ls /usr/share and found plowshare4. Then I check ls /usr/share/plowshare4 ,it shows modules Is this an outdated version?

Yes, you have the old version from jessie without plowmod. The new version is in a package called plowshare (without the 4) which is available in jessie backports.

5kon commented

@arcresu Thanks! plowmod works after updating the package.

Besides, I find the plowshare package in the CentOS 7 is also outdated. The package version is 1.0.6 and there is no plowmod function. @mcrapet

Thanks for both of your help.