
How to suppress profiler log?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

In dev env it produces quite a lot of log lines, I couldn't find a way to suppress them. Would appreciate an advice

Can you provide an example, please? PhoenixProfiler generates almost no log lines itself.

I get this in dev env in my console for every request

[debug] MOUNT PhoenixProfiler.ToolbarLive
  Parameters: :not_mounted_at_router
  Session: %{"_" => %PhoenixProfiler.Profile{collector_pid: #PID<0.1549.0>, info: :enable, node: :"app@macbook-pro", server: AppWeb.Profiler, start_time: -576460729271981084, system: %{elixir: "1.14.3", otp: "25", phoenix: '1.7.1', phoenix_live_view: '0.18.17', phoenix_profiler: '0.2.1'}, system_time: 1678865877272063105, token: "F0yHntBT1KvBaosAACdh", url: "http://localhost:4000/dashboard/_profiler?nav=AppWeb.Profiler&panel=request&token=F0yHntBT1KvBaosAACdh"}, "_csrf_token" => "lMsVfLXvNi7vwTqqB94hmOjy"}
[debug] Replied in 3ms

Thanks for the example :) We will need to make it configurable but that should be possible for LiveView 0.18+.