
Only one molecule from the input SMILES file is processed...

UnixJunkie opened this issue · 7 comments


molvs standardize -i smi input.smi  -o smi -O output.smi

The input file has several molecules, the output a single one.
Is this the expected behavior?

I installed via pip.

pip install molvs

this is probably the file that needs a fix:

mcs07 commented

Yes that seems to be the case. Also it looks like SDF files will only process the first molecule.

also, output to sdf file is not supported (it creates a mol file instead)

I'll send a patch for some of these.

Hi, I am having the same issue with an SDF file. Wondering if there's a fix?

I sent a PR with a fix.
Use the molVS that is inside of rdkit, then you should be good to go.