
AEP comments 03-12

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • Can you look at my edits the description stuff?
  • P0 and N0 don’t render correctly in help
  • Check E_in is within bounds.
  • You can simplify the code given R0=1.
  • I added one call to npr (should speed things up)


  • - Add bounds on f.start (0 to 1) and lambdamax (>1)
  • - See my edits (tify up)
  • - If f.start actually used?


  • Removed lambdamax from the documentation (not used)
  • The example had an error, which I fixed
  • Add added bounds on E


  • Implement edits to the documentation as suggested
  • Dropped references to lambdamax and K1Plus (not used)


  • Removed reference to K1Plus because it is not used.
  • Why do you pass N0 when it computed in the function. Simpler not to pass it.


  • See my edits to simplify the code
  • I removed references to K1+plus and edited a bit


  • I removed references to K1+plus and edited a bit
  • Is fmax used anywhere? I don’t think so because fmax is calculated in get_mnpl


  • Add bounds on MNPL
  • I removed references to K1+plus and edited a bit
  • Is fmax used anywhere? I don’t think so because fmax is calculated in get_mnpl

03: I'm going to leave the N0 and P0 for now. They don't render correctly because the RStudio HTML version of the help won't render latex expressions (annoying) but they WILL be formatted correctly in the pdf doc. I think there is a solution here but it seems kind of tricky/involves editing the .Rd file. 3812ebc

06: f.start is for used for getting the starting F in the solver on line 56. Fixed with commit 516e98e

07: Need to go back and check bc no file from AEP but I did make all the changes in this list so my version should be good. Checked the example again. Commits 2194b5f and 224181a

08: Doc edits 82d73c3

09: Edits to find_msyr() inputs and documentation 65a6064

10: Added these edits with commit 853f449

11: Edits to documentation and fmax thing in c216a8a.
12: Fixed and removed fmax from param list; commit 6c3c1f0.