
Can't recompile cosmos

mbertheau opened this issue · 3 comments

When compiling the .cosmos files in the repository, I get .pl files that are different from what's in the repository.

Also, compiling string.cosmos and list.cosmos doesn't work at all:

$ cosmos --module string
CosmosError: (line 50, col 9) cannot find relation concat
$ cosmos --module list
CosmosError: (line 42, col 9) cannot find relation concat

With #4 applied cosmos does compile, but it doesn't run. To reproduce, run the make script ( and try ./cosmos -i. I get:

~/src/cosmos/src $ swipl --version
SWI-Prolog version 7.1.17 for amd64
~/src/cosmos/src $ ./cosmos -i
ERROR: Prolog initialisation failed:
ERROR: Out of global stack

All the stdlibs need a --no-std-libs flag in order to work and cosmos.cosmos needs a --main flag.

Ah, now that you say it, it's obvious! ^^

I updated #5 such that a full rebuild now can be done with the Makefile. Now I can dive into Cosmos :)