
Install fails.

borud opened this issue · 3 comments

borud commented

Followed the instructions on the in but got this:

borud@raspberrypi:~/gocode/src/ $ go install -v ./...
matrix.go: malformed #cgo argument: -I${SRCDIR}/vendor/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/include
examples/basic/main.go:8:2: /home/borud/gocode/src/ malformed #cgo argument: -I${SRCDIR}/vendor/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/include

which version of go are you running?

borud commented

Sorry for the late reply. I can't reach the machine right now, but I was running the latest version of Raspian released on 2016-11-25 with whatever the latest Go version was that Apt will install on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

I'll try to remember updating this when I get back home :-)

feel free to read when you have more info. thanks