
Can't use '&&' in commands

FarisZR opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey, first thanks for the awesome project!

I was testing this locally, and I think I hit some kind of bug or regression, as i can't seem to be able to use &&correctly in the command argument.
It always seems to be just taken as an argument for the first command.


    image: mcuadros/ofelia:latest
    command: daemon --docker
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      ofelia.job-local.create_guest_accounts.schedule: "@every 5s"
      ofelia.job-local.create_guest_accounts.command: 'date'


testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:38:49.279Z  scheduler.go:34 ▶ NOTICE New job registered "create_guest_accounts" - "date" - "@every 5s"
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:38:49.279Z  scheduler.go:54 ▶ DEBUG Starting scheduler with 1 jobs
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:38:54.002Z  common.go:125 ▶ NOTICE [Job "create_guest_accounts" (1e06e51dde73)] Started - date
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:38:54.009Z  common.go:125 ▶ NOTICE [Job "create_guest_accounts" (1e06e51dde73)] StdOut: Wed Dec 27 16:38:54 UTC 2023
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:38:54.009Z  common.go:125 ▶ NOTICE [Job "create_guest_accounts" (1e06e51dde73)] Finished in "6.903339ms", failed: false, skipped: false, error: none

Example with &&

    image: mcuadros/ofelia:latest
    command: daemon --docker
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      # - ./config.ini:/src/config.ini
      ofelia.job-local.create_guest_accounts.schedule: "@every 5s"
      ofelia.job-local.create_guest_accounts.command: 'date && echo "test"'


testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:46:54.017Z  scheduler.go:34 ▶ NOTICE New job registered "create_guest_accounts" - "date && echo \"test\"" - "@every 5s"
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:46:54.017Z  scheduler.go:54 ▶ DEBUG Starting scheduler with 1 jobs
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:46:59.002Z  common.go:125 ▶ NOTICE [Job "create_guest_accounts" (5d74226e6d2f)] Started - date && echo "test"
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:46:59.014Z  common.go:121 ▶ ERROR [Job "create_guest_accounts" (5d74226e6d2f)] StdErr: BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-11-19 10:13:10 UTC) multi-call binary.
testing-ofelia-1  | 
testing-ofelia-1  | Usage: date [OPTIONS] [+FMT] [[-s] TIME]
testing-ofelia-1  | 
testing-ofelia-1  | Display time (using +FMT), or set time
testing-ofelia-1  | 
testing-ofelia-1  |     -u              Work in UTC (don't convert to local time)
testing-ofelia-1  |     [-s] TIME       Set time to TIME
testing-ofelia-1  |     -d TIME         Display TIME, not 'now'
testing-ofelia-1  |     -D FMT          FMT (strptime format) for -s/-d TIME conversion
testing-ofelia-1  |     -r FILE         Display last modification time of FILE
testing-ofelia-1  |     -R              Output RFC-2822 date
testing-ofelia-1  |     -I[SPEC]        Output ISO-8601 date
testing-ofelia-1  |                     SPEC=date (default), hours, minutes, seconds or ns
testing-ofelia-1  | 
testing-ofelia-1  | Recognized TIME formats:
testing-ofelia-1  |     @seconds_since_1970
testing-ofelia-1  |     hh:mm[:ss]
testing-ofelia-1  |     [YYYY.]MM.DD-hh:mm[:ss]
testing-ofelia-1  |     YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss]
testing-ofelia-1  |     [[[[[YY]YY]MM]DD]hh]mm[.ss]
testing-ofelia-1  |     'date TIME' form accepts MMDDhhmm[[YY]YY][.ss] instead
testing-ofelia-1  | 2023-12-27T16:46:59.014Z  common.go:121 ▶ ERROR [Job "create_guest_accounts" (5d74226e6d2f)] Finished in "11.820866ms", failed: true, skipped: false, error: exit status 1

To use && you will need to create a shell.

Could you try your example with:

'/bin/sh -c "date && echo test"'

Yup that fixed it! I think it should be documented somewhere though, maybe as an example?