
This project is an AI-powered image generator, leveraging React.js and OpenAI's DALL·E 3 model. Users can input text descriptions to generate corresponding images, combining advanced AI with a sleek, responsive interface.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AI Image Generator with React.js and OpenAI DALL·E 3


This project is an AI image generator built using React.js and the OpenAI DALL·E 3 model. It allows users to input text descriptions and generate corresponding images using the power of artificial intelligence.


  • Text-to-Image Generation: Input textual descriptions and get corresponding AI-generated images.
  • React.js Frontend: Built with React.js for a responsive and interactive user interface.
  • OpenAI DALL·E 3 Integration: Utilizes the capabilities of the OpenAI DALL·E 3 model for image generation.


  1. Enter a textual description in the input field.
  2. Click the "Generate" button to generate an image corresponding to the input text.
  3. The generated image will be displayed above the input field.