
Breaking change in data returned by api

Closed this issue · 1 comments

mftb0 commented

For some chapter requests has started returning a url fragment in the Chapter.server property (just the beginning of the url path). This breaks some of mangadex-full-api's calls like Chapter.fill(). Example -

Specifically when the Chapter.pages array is populated in Chapter.parse() you end up with relative urls. Not sure what the best fix for mangadex-full-api would be. I was able to work around it by just iterating over Chapter.pages and if the value started with "/", prepending the value returned by Chapter.getFullURL("foo").

Thanks again, mangadex-full-api, continues to be very useful, and easy to work with.

md-y commented

Looks like they are using a new image server from the home domain. I don't know if its a backup or a new server like the one Holo mentioned here though. Anyways, I also prepended the fragment with Mangadex's homepage.