

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Can you please make the chapters in order?

md-y commented

You can dictate the order of chapters for certain endpoints using the order parameter.

const testManga = await MFA.Manga.get('f9c33607-9180-4ba6-b85c-e4b5faee7192');
await testManga.getFeed({ order: { chapter: 'asc' }});
await testManga.getFeed({ order: { chapter: 'desc' }});
await testManga.getFeed({ order: { updatedAt: 'desc' }});
// ...etc

Otherwise you can use the sort method on the result array.

const testManga = await MFA.Manga.get('f9c33607-9180-4ba6-b85c-e4b5faee7192');
const defaultChapters = await testManga.getFeed();
const sortedChapters = defaultChapters.sort((a, b) => {
    return a.chapter - b.chapter; // or any other sort method

If this does not answer your question please provide more context than "Request" and "Can you please make the chapters in order?". I will be closing this issue for now.