
Release 0.5.0?

mulkieran opened this issue ยท 13 comments

This would be a bit of a help for Fedora packaging. We're accumulating patches just a bit, but it's rather frowned on in Fedora to pull from anything other than an actual release.

flxo commented

I'm also at the point where I would like a 0.5.0 release with the add feature. Thanks @mdaffin

Note though, that #63 would be important to us. Right now, the current release of loopdev is failing to build on various releases and rust toolchain versions, due to bindgen failures.

Sorry for the delay, not had much time to look at things recently. I have merged #63 now but will take a look at a few other pending PRs before creating a new release.

flxo commented

@mdaffin Anything I can support you with?

@mdaffin This is a gentle ping.

loopdev 0.4.0 is broken by llvm 16:

$ cargo check
   Compiling loopdev v0.4.0
error: failed to run custom build command for `loopdev v0.4.0`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/home/saki/aoscdk-rs/target/debug/build/loopdev-0fd479182e7ace07/build-script-build` (exit status: 101)
  --- stderr
  thread 'main' panicked at '"enum_(unnamed_at_/usr/include/linux/loop_h_16_1)" is not a valid Ident', /home/saki/.cargo/registry/src/
  note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Hopefully loopdev 0.5.0 will be released on as soon as possible to address this issue with the new bindgen

@mdaffin Just pointing out this issue is 6 months old. On linux 6.1.60, loopdev 0.4.0 refuses to compile, yet the master branch here compiles without a hitch. Please release this.

To deal with this problem in the most constructive way possible that allows me to compile my code, I have released loopdev-erikh 0.5.0 which does work with my own stack. It is available on and is hosted at I have added my name to the copyright as well as the authors list and ensured all tests pass on linux 6.x. I am more than happy to field questions and patches from other contributors that depend on this library. As I run into problems, or get patches and bug reports I can field I will continue maintenance to ensure the stability of the library for all users.

If you are interested in releasing and maintaining your software, kindly notify me in this ticket or on my fork and I will happily discontinue maintaining my fork. I don't want to maintain this software, I unfortunately need to.