
No visible @interface for 'FIRInstanceID' declares the selector 'token'

jaynelim opened this issue · 17 comments

build fails because getting error in FirebaseMessagingPlugin.m.
the error is generated from line 176.
here's the code on line 176:

[_channel invokeMethod:@"onToken" arguments:[[FIRInstanceID instanceID] token]];

using legacy system.
any solutions?

I will take a look into this. What do you mean by legacy system?

hello i mean xcode legacy build system. because i was getting error like "Multiple commands produce '/build/ios/Debug-iphonesimulator/" and according to "flutter/flutter#20685" i changed build system to legacy build system.

the build was working after i made that change, until it threw the above error [_channel invokeMethod:@"onToken" arguments:[[FIRInstanceID instanceID] token]];

thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to look into this.

Any update?

Can you guys provide steps to reproduce?

Did you guys solve this problem? any update? Thanks

Same issue, any updates?

@kdastan @leitonet How are you guys getting to this problem? I need steps to reproduce to be able to look into fixing it

Am also getting same error. I was trying to integrate Firebase monitoring tool with ionic/codova App. Am following ""

I also had this problem using ionic but solved it using FirebaseX plugin.

Hi @leitonet Thanks for the response is there any doc for migration from Firebase to FirebaseX

@rajashekaranugu @leitonet This is a Flutter project, not Ionic

I know @mdanics, just wanted to help @rajashekaranugu cause he is working with ionic.

I was receiving the exact error when trying to run my project on iOS 13 device (worked fine on Android and iOS 12 devices). And here is what helped me solve the issue:

  • Changed firebase_messaging: ^5.0.2 to firebase_messaging: 5.0.0 in pubspec.yaml
  • Did pod update in ios folder of the project
  • Ran flutter clean

Hope this helps someone with similar issue.

Same issue 2020, any updates?

Just Add @import FirebaseInstanceID; in the header and it will work

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