
From KMeans to Expectation Maximization: a short review

Primary LanguagePython

From K-Means to Expectation Maximization

K-means is a simple clustering algorithm which matches each data point to exactly one of K clusters in a way such that the sum of the squares of the distances of each data point to the center of mass of its assigned cluster is minimal. We review how this minimization can be performed iteratively in a manner closely linked to Expectation Maximization for Gaussian mixtures, then proceed with a deeper analysis of EM:

After introducing Gaussian mixtures with latent variables, we explain how EM naturally appears for the estimation of the parameters, then apply it to mixtures of Gaussian and Bernoulli variables. We also say a few words about the Kullback-Leibler divergence to be able to show why EM works.


  • The file doc/km2em.pdf and its source doc/km2em.tm contain a description of the algorithm, a breif review of gaussian mixtures and some examples inside live sessions of a TeXmacs document.
  • The file doc/em.pdf and its source doc/em.tm provide a more thorough introduction to Expectation Maximization.

Implementation (disclaimer)

We include a dirty Python implementation of the algorithms discussed, although it's mostly oriented towards demo use inside TeXmacs: being simple exercises, with innumerable available implementations online, the code is quite inelegant and, being python, definitely slow. They certainly are un-pythonic, if anything because I don't even know what qualifies as such. Don't look here for great coding technique nor aesthetic pleasure.


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