
DST problem after upgrading

panmaro opened this issue · 1 comments

After upgrading timezone-js from 0.4.4 to 0.4.13, I noticed that timezone offset is incorrect.

Version 0.4.4 - CORRECT

{ [Number: 1438710691000]
  _useCache: true,
  _tzInfo: { tzOffset: -120, tzAbbr: 'CEST' },
  _day: 2,
  year: 2015,
  month: 7,
  date: 4,
  hours: 19,
  minutes: 51,
  seconds: 31,
  milliseconds: 0,
  timezone: 'Europe/Warsaw',
  _dateProxy: Tue Aug 04 2015 19:51:31 GMT+0200 (Środkowoeuropejski czas letni),
  _timeProxy: 1438717891000 }

Version 0.4.13 - INCORRECT

{ [Number: 1438710691000]
  _useCache: true,
  _tzInfo: { tzOffset: -60, tzAbbr: 'CET' },
  _day: 2,
  year: 2015,
  month: 7,
  date: 4,
  hours: 18,
  minutes: 51,
  seconds: 31,
  milliseconds: 0,
  timezone: 'Europe/Warsaw',
  _dateProxy: Tue Aug 04 2015 18:51:31 GMT+0200 (Środkowoeuropejski czas letni),
  _timeProxy: 1438714291000 }
mde commented

This library is no longer maintained, and this repo is here only for historical interest.