Set of Laravel Artisan Commands to enable you to get started with AngularJS 1.X as your Laravel Application front-end. The boilerplate enables you to write your AngularJS application in ES6 style along with Webpack as your build tool and a Babel Transpiler.
It provides a list of commands to under the Angular namespace.
As of now, although a composer.json file is present, composer is not explicitly supported. You have to add the following in your composer.json file as follows:
"require": {
"mdemblani/laravel-angular-es6-boilerplate": "*"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "GIT_CLONE_URL"
You would have to clone the repository in your Vendor folder.
Add Angular\Providers\AngularServiceProvider::class
to app.php
- Enhance README
- Commands for
- Component creation
- Module Creation
- Service Creation
- Controller Creation
- Interceptor Creation
- Vendor Creation
- Add Wiki