
Is this a bug, a false positive, or a gap in my understanding?

metaleap opened this issue ยท 4 comments

For watcher-default.go#L45, unconvert -v reports:

/home/me/c/go/src/ unnecessary conversion
        me.DebounceNano = time.Duration(250 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()

I don't see any conversions anywhere near?!

Same result with -safe, except prepended by line:

... huh, *ast.SelectorExpr at /home/me/c/go/src/

I don't see any conversions anywhere near?!

I believe there is an unnecessary conversion of 250 * time.Millisecond, which has type time.Duration, to time.Duration, right here:

time.Duration(250 * time.Millisecond)

The conversion can be removed, simplifying that line to:

me.DebounceNano = (250 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()

See playground sample.

Ahh! That would be it I guess! I assumed (for no good reason) that this tool would only look for foo.(bar) syntax

cznic commented

I assumed (for no good reason) that this tool would only look for foo.(bar) syntax

But that's not a conversion.

Eeeek, excuse me guys for being slow and mixing up terms after some 4+ years outside golang land ๐Ÿ˜ yes, casts vs conversions are a substantial difference, I've spent too much time in languages confusing/hiding both under the hood or with no concept of casts whatsoever.....