fallback link on ios 9 shows "cannot open page" alert before going to app store
mderazon opened this issue · 4 comments
he made a special case for iOS 9 - if you comment that out it works
I believe the working one is the iFrame on even on my 9.0.2
@ralfschiffert Are you saying that deeplink in iframe once again works in v9.0.2? I just tried now and it doesn't. Before I go analyzing the issue again, I want to be sure that I understood you correctly.
@ralfschiffert using the iframe approach on ios 9 does fix the "cannot open page" alert and opens in the app store. But if the app is already installed, instead of opening the deeplink in the app it opens the app store as well
Right now, I don't see a solution for this "dance" of popups in IOS 9 Safari.
See http://stackoverflow.com/a/32774701/599912
Universal Links should probably be considered as an alternative...