[BUG] Validation of `sh:path` with `sh:alternativePath` not working per the SHACL spec
Pingviinituutti opened this issue · 4 comments
Describe the bug
It seems that sh:alternativePath
is not working according to the SHACL spec.
Expected behavior
Link to SHACL Playground
should basically be an or to check that either one (or both) of the given paths should exist. So in this case for a ex:Person
with sh:path [ sh:alternativePath ( ex:Person.mobilePhone ex:Person.landLine ) ]
, either the path ex:Person.MobilePhone
or the path ex:Person.landLine
should be given.
The issue is that RDFSharp triggers an sh:Violation
for every a person with or without the any of the given paths.
Library Version
RDFSharp version '3.5.0'
Additional context
Minimal working example:
# SHACL_constraints_person.ttl
@prefix ex: <http://example.com/ns#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
ex:Person rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property ex:Person.mobile-landline-cardinality ;
sh:targetClass ex:Person .
rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:description "This constraint validates that a Person has either mobileNumber or landLine set." ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:message "Either mobileNumber or landLine should be present" ;
sh:name "Person.mobileNumber-landLine-cardinality" ;
sh:order 0 ;
sh:path [ sh:alternativePath ( ex:Person.mobilePhone ex:Person.landLine ) ] ;
sh:severity sh:Violation .
<!-- person.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ex:Person rdf:about="http://example.com/ns#person0">
<ex:Person rdf:about="http://example.com/ns#person1">
<ex:Person rdf:about="http://example.com/ns#person2">
<ex:Person rdf:about="http://example.com/ns#person3">
// Program.cs
using RDFSharp.Model;
using System;
using System.Text;
string shapesValidationFilePath = "SHACL_constraints_person.ttl";
string dataFilePath = "person.xml";
RDFGraph dataGraph = RDFGraph.FromFile(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.RdfXml, dataFilePath);
RDFGraph shapesGraphObject = RDFGraph.FromFile(
RDFShapesGraph shapesGraphValidation = RDFShapesGraph.FromRDFGraph(shapesGraphObject);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
RDFValidationReport validationResults = shapesGraphValidation.Validate(dataGraph);
if (!validationResults.Conforms)
foreach (RDFValidationResult result in validationResults)
foreach (RDFLiteral resultMessage in result.ResultMessages)
sb.AppendLine(result.ResultPath.URI.Fragment + " " + resultMessage.ToString() + ". ID: " + result.FocusNode.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("RDFSharp Validation errors:");
string errors = sb.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
RDFSharp Validation errors:
Either mobileNumber or landLine should be present. ID: http://example.com/ns#person0
Either mobileNumber or landLine should be present. ID: http://example.com/ns#person1
Either mobileNumber or landLine should be present. ID: http://example.com/ns#person2
Either mobileNumber or landLine should be present. ID: http://example.com/ns#person3
Expected: only person3
should throw an sh:Violation
Hi Henrik,
thanks for the report (precise as usual).
I'm working on this to add support for "sh:alternativePath" syntax and will let you know here the progress.
Hi Henrik,
I merged the work for proper detection and handling of "sh:path" declared with "sh:alternativePath", which should allow you to successfully deal with this use case. It was my glitch (again) to not know this kind of syntax.
Expect a new release containing also this feature in the next days.
Thanks again and regards,
Hi Marco!
No problems here! Thanks a bunch for adding the fix :)
Best regards,
I'm also adding "sh:path (prop1 prop2)" which I saw is the sequential form of paths.
Other variants can't be supported (like the ones stating cardinality with "+" or "*") because unfortunately our algebra is not capable of computing them neither in SPARQL. But, at least, with your support our SHACL engine has improved nicely :)
Thanks and regards,