Broken import statements when local module uses import aliases
Closed this issue · 1 comments
r-k-b commented
For example, this file:
module BadModuleNamedWith exposing (dummyDecoder)
import Json.Decode as JD
dummyDecoder : JD.Decoder String
dummyDecoder =
JD.succeed ""
would produce Gen code containing:
{-| dummyDecoder: JD.Decoder String -}
dummyDecoder : Elm.Expression
dummyDecoder =
{ importFrom = [ "BadModuleNamedWith" ]
, name = "dummyDecoder"
, annotation = Just (Type.namedWith [ "JD" ] "Decoder" [ Type.string ])
which would then produce generated code that contains import JD
instead of import Json.Decode
I've added a test case to demonstrate: 3e7c055
Thanks for creating elm-codegen, it's fantastic! 🙏
r-k-b commented
This must have been resolved already, the import statements work fine in the current version.
Thanks for your work! 🙏