
Trouble installing microtime dependency

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Congratulations on and thank you for the release of elm-markup v3! I've played around with the examples and it looks great ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

I'm unable to install this CLI tool, as microtime won't install. However, I'm not sure it's necessary anyway? As far as I can tell (from a quick search), it's only used in timeCheckpoint in runners/node/lib.js, and that function doesn't seem to be being called or exported?

More info on the failed install: despite this issue from the microtime repo, neither npm i microtime@2.1.8 nor npm i microtime@2.1.9 will install. I'm running node v12.3.1 and npm v6.9.0 on macOS 10.14.5.

Ah, interesting! Yeah, I think that can be removed. I was doing some ad-hoc benchmarking at some point, but not anymore.

I just published a patch version with that removed. Thanks for the well described issue!