
Function `to` is expecting the argument to be: Float

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When I try to compile my app, I get the following error:

The 1st argument to function `interrupt` is causing a mismatch. - Function `interrupt` is expecting the 1st argument to be:

    List (Animation.Model.Step msg)

But it is:

    List (Animation.Animation -> Animation.Animation)

Hint: It looks like a function needs 1 more argument.
List (Animation.Model.Step msg) -> Animation.Model.Animation msg -> Animation.Model.Animation msg

 Interrupt any running animations with the following animation.

The code is
newModel = { model | cardStyle = Animation.interrupt [ styles.disliked ] model.cardStyle }
type alias Model = { ... , cardStyle : Animation.State }
styles = { disliked = [ Animation.left (px -100.0) , Animation.opacity 0 ] , normal = [ Animation.left (px 0) , Animation.opacity 1.0 ] }

Any ideas?


Hmm, not sure. The error message and the code you posted don't seem to be in agreement. The error is saying that interrupt needs a list of Animation steps and then an animation state, but somewhere you're giving it a list of (Animation->Animation) functions.

I'm going to close this as I don't think it's an issue with the library, but I also don't want to leave you hangin :). Check out the elm slack, either the #animations or the #help channel.

Another way to debug this would be to write out the animation concretely in one chunk.

Something like:

newModel = 
    { model 
        | cardStyle = 
                        [ Animation.left (px -100.0)
                        , Animation.opacity 0 

Feel free to comment here if you are still running into issues after playing around with it and after asking the community.
