
Properties not being animated after using Animation.exactly

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I've noticed that if I use Animation.exactly to set some properties, those properties aren't animated/updated the next time they should be.

Animation.exactly and Animation.opacity (which, conveniently, happen to be defined next to each other) have the same return type (Animation.Model.Property), so I figured I'd be able to get away with using exactly throughout.

Here are the two variants of the piece of code in question:

-- works as expected
[ Animation.set
                    [ Animation.opacity 1
                    , Animation.scale 1.0
                    , Animation.exactly "z-index" "2"
-- does not work as expected
-- opacity and scale are never updated 
[ Animation.set
                    [ Animation.exactly "opacity" "1"
                    , Animation.exactly "scale" "1.0"
                    , Animation.exactly "z-index" "2"

Here's the relevant version information from my elm-package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "mdgriffith/elm-style-animation": "3.5.5 <= v < 4.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.18.0 <= v < 0.19.0"

Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide.

P.S. Aside from this issue, the library has been a joy to work with! 😸