
Auto-Skip no longer working

doctarrwho opened this issue · 3 comments

Since the update after issue #21 (including the update earlier today), there are no errors but auto skip doesn't work. Confirmed the issue on Apple TV as well as Shield Pro for multiple shows.

today at 9:32:12 PMINFO - Skipper initiated and ready
today at 9:39:43 PMINFO - Found new session 22................. viewOffset 0 ['xxxxxx'], sessions: 0

Rolling docker back to with auto-update disabled fixes the issue.

There was a bug with the API update. Should be fixed on latest

Did you see my last comment on that issue?

I had tried after the latest update, and it didn't work. I'm going to test again shortly and let you know.

It does work. The show that wasn't working seems to be missing intro markers. My bad!