
Could you release a new version?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I had a user ask me to add tvos support to the CocoaPods pod spec. However, cocoa pods won't let me push a new pod spec unless I increment the version number. However, I want to keep the pod spec version the same as the MMMarkdown version.

I see you've made a few changes since 0.5. Any chance you could release 0.5.1 of MMMarkdown and then I can push that new version's pod spec and include the tvos version in it? :-)


mdiep commented

I just released 0.5.1 with a few more fixes and targets for tvOS and watchOS.

Thanks! I'll rev the podspec tonight.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 30, 2015, at 1:49 PM, Matt Diephouse wrote:

I just released 0.5.1 with a few more fixes and targets for tvOS and watchOS.

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