
[AI Help] Question: what if there are functions in the obj?

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What is the issue with the answer?

It claims that JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalObj)) copies functions, this is false.

How would you categorize this issue?

  • The answer is harmful / unsafe.
  • The answer is not correct.
  • The answer is not helpful.
  • The answer is outdated.

What did you ask?

  1. how to deep coppy a js obj
  2. what if there are functions in the obj?

What did AI Help answer?

When deep copying a JavaScript object that contains functions, you need to consider how to properly clone those functions as well. One common approach is to serialize the object to JSON and then deserialize it back to a new object. This method ensures that functions are properly cloned along with the rest of the object.

Here's a basic example using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) to deep copy an object with functions:

const originalObj = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  greet: function() {

// Deep copy the object
const copiedObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalObj));

// Test the copied object
copiedObj.greet(); // Output: Hello!

Keep in mind that this method has limitations, such as not being able to clone functions that are not serializable (e.g., functions that reference external variables or closures). For more complex scenarios, you may need to implement a custom deep copy function that handles functions and other edge cases appropriately.

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