
Issue with "<iframe>: The Inline Frame element": Sample page does not load in iframe

sachin-afterpay opened this issue Β· 6 comments


What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete?

sample iframe url is not loading.

Specific section or headline?

A simple <iframe>

What did you expect to see?

Expect to see the iframe loads the sample page.

Did you test this? If so, how?

Open the page in Chrome browser.

MDN Content page report details

Requests for all resources are timing out currently.


Requests for all resources are timing out currently.


I have escalated to IT

The MDN samples-server service at ( was shut down at my request (and with the blessing of @chrisdavidmills and @wbamberg) due to its security risk. It was something created by one of our former MDN tech writers years ago to serve some interactive examples to a few document pages, and was never vetted by the development team. The existing examples will of course stop working until they can be replaced with something better, and although we're sorry for the inconvenience, we felt the inconvenience was outweighed by the security vulnerability.

I think we should keep this issue open until the content team (or others) can devise a plan for replacing these examples.

Thank you for the additional context @escattone πŸ™