input.tar.gz file not an archive
jethromoses opened this issue · 6 comments
I've installed dafoam following all the instruction in "". When I get to the end, and I try to untar the input.tar.gz file in dafoam/python/reg_tests, I get the error message saying that the input.tar.gz file not an archive.
All the prerequisite modules seem to have been installed correctly.
@friedenhe making sure you see this, thanks!
The input.tar.gz file is stored on Git LFS, you can download it from here
How long does it take to run the script? It is taking an extremely long time!
The regression tests shouldn't take more than 30 mins. You can check the generated dafoam_reg_* files for errors.
I got the following error for all my dofoam_reg_* files
pyDAFoam Error: pyDAFoam: status 127: Unable to run decomposePar
It seems that the OpenFOAM's utility "decomposePar" is not found. Try "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1812/etc/bashrc" and run the reg tests again. If it is still not working, verify if OpenFOAM is properly installed.