Renewal of the MDP documentation
NiMlr opened this issue · 0 comments
Hi developers of MDP,
I am creating this issue to track future efforts for updating the documentation to the newest dependency versions. The update can include a remake or replacement of the custom extensions, conversion of the code snippets, and fixes for the build to work with the newest dependency versions.
Below I listed some steps I have already taken and some that are still to be done. I am hoping to discuss some decisions.
UPDATE 28/04/2020 22:45 UTC+1:
Update the following files to work with the newest dependency versions. Any occurring errors or warnings should be listed as an issue such that a decision can be made on how to proceed.
- ./examples/bimdp_examples/bimdp_hinet_inspection.rst
- ./examples/bimdp_examples/bimdp_custom_inspection.rst
- ./examples/bimdp_examples/bimdp_inverse.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/dbn_binodes.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/dbn.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/test_dbnnodes.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/dbn_binodes_statemachine_old.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/dbn_binodes_coroutine_old.rst
- ./examples/binetdbn/dbn_nodes.rst
- ./examples/examples.rst
- ./examples/slideshow/slideshow.rst
- ./examples/convolution/image_convolution.rst
- ./examples/gng/animated_training.rst
- ./examples/gng/gng.rst
- ./examples/lle/lle.rst
- ./examples/gradnewton/gradnewton.rst
- ./examples/logmap/logmap.rst
- ./examples/bayes_guesser/bayes_guesser.rst
- ./examples/word_generator/word_generator.rst
- ./examples/logo/logo_animation.rst
- ./examples/scikits_learn/digit_classification.rst
- ./contact.rst
- ./node_list.rst
- ./license.rst
- ./install.rst
- ./main.rst
- ./documentation.rst
- ./additional_utilities.rst
- ./talks/talks.rst
- ./tutorial/quick_start.rst
- ./tutorial/hinet.rst
- ./tutorial/bimdp.rst
- ./tutorial/extensions.rst
- ./tutorial/iterables.rst
- ./tutorial/nodes.rst
- ./tutorial/introduction.rst
- ./tutorial/caching.rst
- ./tutorial/classifiers.rst
- ./tutorial/parallel.rst
- ./tutorial/wrappers.rst
- ./tutorial/using_mdp_is_as_easy.rst
- ./tutorial/checkpoints.rst
- ./tutorial/flows.rst
- ./tutorial/tutorial.rst
- ./time_machine.rst
- ./index.rst
- ./development.rst
- ./how_to_cite_mdp.rst
Write a short guide on how to compile the docs locally and add it to the development guide in the documentation.
Adapt the remaining part of the docstrings to properly fit the rst-style to solve the warnings popping up in the sphinx-build.
Discuss any further improvements that could be made.
Migrate all example code in the docs to python 3.
Re-introduce doctest in the doc building pipeline.
To check out the new documentation locally install sphinx, run sphinx-build source build -v
on the top level of the repository and open the index.html
in /build
. You need to make sure to clone/pull the submodule as well in order to build the documentation.
I am looking forward to your feedback.