
Docker container running a Jupyter notebook with pyspark and graphframes.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Pyspark Notebook extended with GraphFrames

I found that connecting GraphFrames to pyspark inside a Jupyter notebook was trickier than I expected. This Dockerfile is the simplest way I found to get it to work. It is based on jupyter/pyspark-notebook, which seemed to be a reasonable starting point.

python 3.7
spark 2.4
graphframes 0.7.0

Build the image and take note of the id to run the container. Be sure to forward port 8888 when starting it:

docker build .
docker run -t --rm -p 8888:8888 <image-id>

The terminal output will contain the notebook url (localhost:8888) and a token. Visit the url in a browser and use the token to authenticate.

If everything goes will, the following minimalistic graph should build properly.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from graphframes import GraphFrame

session = SparkSession\

nodes = session.createDataFrame(
  [('1', 'Ada'), ('2', 'Bernd'), ('3', 'Claire')],
  ['id', 'name'])

edges = session.createDataFrame(
  [('1', '2'), ('2', '1'), ('1', '3')],
  ['src', 'dst'])

graph = GraphFrame(nodes, edges)