Px-card, Px-dashboard, Px-deck

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This repository holds the px-card, px-dashboard, and px-deck components.

px-card demo


Context is an object. It can contain details about an asset, urls to fetch additional information from, user-specific information, etc. A developer can define anything they want in the context.

Cards are web components with a standard API that are initialized with a context. They are reusable and can be placed anywhere because they are passed in everything they need to render from the context.

Cards share these properties:

  • Use < px-card > template for styling
  • Inherit px.card behaviors
  • Fetch data in an abstract way that is not tied to the type of application that the card is running in (the default implementation is an Angular $http fetch)
  • Facilitate component-to-component communication within a card using data-binding
  • Facilitate card-to-card communication within a deck using card API methods

A Deck is a collection of cards.

  • initialize Cards after the deck is initialized
  • enable card-to-card communication through the deck state object

Dashboard is a deck renderer, which renders a deck with the given url. That url can either be to a file with a <px-deck> and cards or to a deck in the Views service.

In the Dashboard Seed, there is an example of using the Views service, px-dashboard, px-context-browser, and px-deck-selector to build a dynamically-rendering dashboard application.



  1. node.js
  2. npm
  3. bower
  4. Install the webcomponents-lite.js polyfill to add support for web components and custom elements to your application.

Getting Started

First, install the px-card repo via bower on the command line.

bower install https://github.com/PredixDev/px-card.git --save

Second, import the component(s) you want to use in your application with the following tag(s) in your head.

<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/px-card/px-dashboard.html"/>
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/px-card/px-deck.html"/>
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/px-card/px-card.html"/>

Finally, use the component(s) in your application. See specific examples in the API.


Element providing basic styling and behaviors (API) for card


<dom-module id="demo-card">
        <px-card icon='demo-icon' header-text='Demo Card' chevron>
            <h1>Hello World</h1>
            <p>This is the bare minimum you need for a Predix Experience card.</p>
        is: 'demo-card',
        init: function(){
            // this is where you can do some initialization of your card
        contextChanged: function(newContext, oldContext){
            // this is where you will receive updates to the context
        deckStateChanged: function(newDeckState, oldDeckState){
            // this is where you will receive updates from other cards
        behaviors: [px.card]



Read the full API and view the demo here.

Local Development

From the component's directory...

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp sass

From the component's directory, to start a local server run:

$ gulp serve

Navigate to the root of that server (e.g. http://localhost:8080/) in a browser to open the API documentation page, with link to the "Demo" / working examples.


By default gulp serve is configured to enable LiveReload and will be watching for modifications in your root directory as well as /css.

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Known Issues

Please use Github Issues to submit any bugs you might find.