
[BUG] Plugins and Remix v2.9.1: `Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /node_modules/@mdxeditor/editor/dist/index.js not supported.`

Opened this issue · 4 comments

If you want to ask for support or request features, sponsor the project and contact me over email.

  • I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
  • I have read the documentation and cannot find an answer.

Describe the bug
It's not a bug, but a really PITA for installation with Remix, related to CJS / ESM

I started from indie stack:

here is the important files I think:
I needed to install manually parse-entities and lexical
just here to let you know
the pita here was to add this

  ssr: {
    noExternal: [


same as the vite.config.ts but for serverDependenciesToBundle field

I added all the possible extensions there, inspired from your Live demo

finally I used it this way,

import { ClientOnly } from "remix-utils/client-only";

<ClientOnly fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
  {() => (
    <div className="border border-gray-500 rounded prose max-w-full">
      <MDXCustomEditor markdown={markdown} onChange={setMarkdown} />

I just want to open the issue here to

  • let the dev team that this is not easy for me - but maybe I did some mistakes?
  • let Remix's users how I finally succeded

once it's installed, it's a fabulous job you did there! much better and easier than draft.js or slate

thanks !

There's a Remix section on the start page of the docs that points to a working sample repository. Let me know how can I make this easier to discover - what did you try and how did you miss this?

You're right, I think all the versions are mixed up in my project

I updated your working repo with the latest versions for all, I'm gonna make a PR... when git is fixed 🥲


the problem is when adding some plugins, look at this PR

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /mdx-editor-in-remix/node_modules/@mdxeditor/editor/dist/index.js from /mdx-editor-in-remix/build/index.js not supported.
Instead change the require of /mdx-editor-in-remix/node_modules/@mdxeditor/editor/dist/index.js in /mdx-editor-in-remix/build/index.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.