
React 18 types compatibility

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to improve the compatibility with React 18?

Here is the output while adding @mdxeditor/editor

+ @mdxeditor/editor 3.0.5

 WARN  Issues with peer dependencies found
└─┬ @mdxeditor/editor 3.0.5
  ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-dialog 1.0.5
  │ ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-compose-refs 1.0.1
  │ │ └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  │ ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-dismissable-layer 1.0.5
  │ │ ├── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  │ │ └─┬ @radix-ui/react-primitive 1.0.3
  │ │   └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  │ ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-focus-guards 1.0.1
  │ │ └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  │ └─┬ @radix-ui/react-focus-scope 1.0.4
  │   └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-popover 1.0.7
  │ └─┬ @radix-ui/react-popper 1.1.3
  │   └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74
  └─┬ @radix-ui/react-select 2.0.0
    └─┬ @radix-ui/react-visually-hidden 1.0.3
      └── ✕ unmet peer @types/react@17.0.40: found 18.2.74

Done in 1m 32.5s

Should be possible, I think - do you want to help out with this? Need to check if the dependencies have an up-to-date versions with the correct references.

I'm not sure how you're getting the output above. Using NPM in the dev project results in something like this:

@mdxeditor/editor@0.0.0-development /Users/petyo/w/mdx/editor
├─┬ @ladle/react@4.0.2
│ └─┬ @mdx-js/react@3.0.0
│   └── @types/react@18.2.16 deduped
├─┬ @radix-ui/react-dialog@1.0.5
│ ├─┬ @radix-ui/react-compose-refs@1.0.1
│ │ └── @types/react@18.2.16 deduped

And the react-compose-refs has @types/react: *.

If you provide more details, I can reopen this.