
Share options between tsconfig and editor configuration

remcohaszing opened this issue · 3 comments

Initial checklist


#352 introduces a new option. This raises the question: Where does this option belong? We support configuration in tsconfig.json. VS Code supports configuration too.


Rather than making this choice for each configuration option, it makes sense to support both.

// tsconfig.json
  "mdx": {/* … */}
// .vscode/settings.json
  "mdx.options": {/* … */}

They are both just JSON. They can be merged. They can both share the same JSON schema.



Can remark configs be supported like eslint-remark?

I no longer think this issue is a good idea. Often there’s a relatively clear distinction between project configurations and user preferences. This is even more true since the introduction of the MDXProvidedProps types.

Can remark configs be supported like eslint-remark?

I don’t think this is a good idea. Different tools require different configurations. Adding or removing a parser plugin is relatively rare anyway.

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