
Small module providing function validating PESEL number (Polish personal ID)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PESEL check

DONE (no more changes to the project anticipated)
unless some bugs or feature requests surface in the future

Small package aiming to do one thing, and one thing only: check PESEL.

PESEL is a Polish personal identification number consisting of 11 digits and encoding birthdate and sex of the owner.

While being principally unique and correct it is possible for legit (meaning copied from legal document)
PESEL to be duplicated or incorrect algorithm-wise.
That happens due to human error during registration or changing of PESEL number.


Nothing fancy - you pass a string to function and get boolean in return.

const isPeselValid = require('pesel-check');

isPeselValid('12345678901'); // => false (since '12345678901' isn't valid PESEL)
isPeselValid('11111111116'); // => true (since '11111111116' apparently is)

Function checks length, contents, birthdate and validates control sum.