
Databox on linux with HTTP and HTTPS proxies

Opened this issue · 1 comments

If you are running databox on behind an HTTP or HTTPS proxy (corporate network) then the Linux version of databox will not function. The proxy related environment variables are not propagated to containers and the core-network will also block access to the proxy.

Fixing this will be none trivial and as corporate networks are not our target environment, for now I'm logging this issues for information only.

Docker for mac and windows are not affected as they use vpnkit which is aware of the host systems proxy settings.

If anyone has suggestions on how this could/should be fixed leave a comment here.

Well, just to note that using a proxy will make IP-level filtering useless in the core-network.
Maybe there should be some common answer with core-network (non-)support for CDNs?
Do HTTP-level filtering with a built-in HTTP/S proxy rather than IP-level filtering?? (at least that would just give one component to configure with external proxy settings)