
TLS handshake error (using on ubuntu system)

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container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 11:40:54 Installing driver-os-monitor
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 11:41:00 Pulling Image databoxsystems/driver-os-monitor-amd64:0.5.2
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 11:41:06 Done pulling Image databoxsystems/driver-os-monitor-amd64:0.5.2
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 11:41:10 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 11:41:12 Successfully installed driver-os-monitor
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 12:22:38 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate
container-manager : [INFO]2019/10/30 12:22:38 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate

Hangs at this point and doesn’t work

Doesn’t work by deleting containers
Doesn’t work when u restart docker
Doesn’t work when u restart ur laptop
Doesn’t work when u stop and restart the databox