
Template serve stops after first chunk, on certain ESP-8266 12E modules

JamesNewton opened this issue · 2 comments

Known "good" code running on NodeMCU (which has an ESP-8266 ESP12E module) works perfectly.

Same code programmed into ESP-12E and ESP-12F modules using NodeMCU circuit "works" until a web page with template processing is requested, then hangs. No crash, unit appears to continue processing, but web pages are no longer served. Web pages without template work until a web page with a template is requested, then they don't.

It appears that the first chunk is sent, and then nothing after.

It's possible something about our re-creation of the NodeMCU circuit is incorrect, as we are also NOT getting serial data back (and yet it programs?) so there are weird things going on. But why would it work for other pages?

Also, the library was modified to change the template character from % to ` (from percent to back tick) as per #333.

I'm only posting this here to 1. have a place to put it, 2. see if anyone else has seen this, 3. to close it out when I figure out what I've done wrong after documenting it.

Update: on pages served with the template processor, but with no data fields, the first chunk is served. With a data field, nothing comes back.

Breakthrough: All the failing units have no "VENDOR" name. Those came from 2 different sources. But... Units that say "VENDOR AI-THINKER" all work perfectly. Including the return serial data.

Confirmed over multiple units. Only the AI-THINKER units work. Closing. Hopefully this will help someone else in the future.