
Using as a library in Linux

Trisse123 opened this issue · 0 comments


At first, thanks for your amazing work!

I can successfully compile and run sektches in Arduino IDE with RasPiArduino.
(network upload also works flawlessly)

My goal is use your librarys in normal c++ programs i wirte unter linux.
I have to code unter Linux and i have to access all the "normal" c++ functions but ALSO your Arduino-based functions.
I have ask for user input, sorting files, spwning a web service , all linux-c++ based, but ALSO reading sensors via i2c - and for that i yuld like to use RasPiArduino.

Is there a way to use your libraries in plain c++ code under linux?
Or the other way round: is it somehow possible to use plain c++ linux code in Arduino IDE (while RasPiArduino uf course)?