
Using the Explorer does not Push changes to the app

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Sorry, don't know where this question should go.
After implementing the realtime component, I noticed that it is working if I have 2 Angular 2 Apps running in different browser (from angular-cli and/or ionic2) but if I try to post data through the loopback explorer the result is not reflected. Is is supposed to only work if all the clients are using this sdk?

My concern would be if the users are also using loopback with a native app through rest api.
Any thought about this?

Hi @dmastag, adding it here is just fine, so...

The FireLoop RTI (Real-Time Interface) does not hook from Remote Method Hooks like the PubSub one.

Anyway, I think it can be done if I add the writing event triggers also from remote hooks as well.

The idea doesn't sounds that bad, actually I think is quite good so will help the transition between 2 different paradigms.

I will add it to list of future features in the fireloop repo
