
[Intermittent] The "Play/Pause" button is constantly switching states after fast forwarding the video and clicking the "Replay" buttons

SoftVision-CarmenFat opened this issue · 4 comments

[Affected versions]:

  • Firefox Developer Edition 59.0b7
  • Firefox Nightly 60.0a1 (02/09/2018)
  • Min-Vid Shield Study Onboarding 0.4.7 - Shield Study

[Affected Platforms]:

  • All Windows


  • Latest Min-Vid v.0.4.7 Shield Study Onboarding ("active" or "activeAndOnboarding" variant) was previously installed on a clean profile.

[Steps to reproduce]:

  1. Open the browser with the profiles from prerequisites and navigate to YouTube.
  2. Send this video to the player:
  3. Fast forward the video at the end.
  4. Click on the "Replay" button.
  5. Fast forward the video at the end.
  6. Click on the "Replay" button from the "Close/Replay" screen and observe what happens next.

[Expected result]:

  • The video starts to play from the beginning.

[Actual result]:

  • The "Play"/"Pause" button is constantly switching states.


  • See also: #836 and #1179.
  • This can be a serious issue since the buttons constantly changing their states, a huge number of pings are generated and can compromise the metric results.
  • I wasn't able to reproduce the issue testing other videos than the one mentioned above.
  • Here is a screen recording of the issue:

@SoftVision-CarmenFat I'm having trouble reproducing this bug from steps described.

I was able to reproduce this issue on 3 different devices, with the video mentioned in the steps to reproduce, and with another video (

I will investigate this issue more since I don't have any better steps to reproduce and the issue only appears intermittent.

@SoftVision-CarmenFat I could reproduce it with the first video you linked in the original report, but not the comment from feb 14. What I think is peculiar is how the duration jumps up almost like another video is getting loaded in when clicking to the end of that video.

The fact that I can't get this to reproduce on another video (and they you've only been able to with this publisher) is really baffling me. The only thing that comes to mind is that they maybe have a weird ad placement that we are hitting. but that should never reload a video inside of the min vid window....

We're no longer considering this a blocker for the Shield study. Thanks!