Xubuntu 18.04: no mech executable in PATH after pip install -U mech
Opened this issue · 1 comments
I've installed python-pip on a rather clean Xubuntu 18.04 and run
pip install -U mech
afterwards. No errors.
Opened a new terminal, but there is no mech
executable in the search path.
I'm a python newbie, is pip install able to install anything in $PATH?
Can I call mech in some other way?
EDIT: Found the mech exec in ~/.local/bin, added it to $PATH and I can execute it now.
I guess this is more an Ubuntu problem. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/1588562 . As the fix for this is in $HOME/.profile, it is not enough to open a second terminal (non-login shell) to re-read .profile. Nor is a logout/login with the display manager. I had to reboot the machine.
Re-opening this issue with a request for better documentation - at least with Xubuntu 18.04
after running pip install ..., the mech command is available only after the next reboot - if there was no directory ~/.local/bin before.